Reports and Publications
This is a partial list of reports and publications authored or co-authored by Riverbend Sciences' principal Eli Asarian.
Asarian, J.E., K. De Juilio, S. Naman, D. Gaeuman, and T. Buxton. 2023. Synthesizing 87 years of scientific inquiry into Trinity River water temperatures. 180 p. + appendices. Prepared for the Trinity River Restoration Program, Weaverville, California.
Asarian, J.E., J. Kann, K. Perkins. 2023. Temperature Dynamics and Trends in Upper Klamath Basin Tributaries: Assessment of The Klamath Tribes Long-Term Thermograph Monitoring Program. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences, LLC., and Environmental Research for the Klamath Tribes Ambodat, Chiloquin, OR. 60p. + appendices
Asarian, J.E. 2023. Evaluating the hydrologic effects of the 2021–2022 Scott and Shasta irrigation curtailments using remote sensing and streamflow gages. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences for the Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium. 50p. + appendices
Asarian, J.E., C. Robinson, L. Genzoli. 2023. Modeling Seasonal Effects of River Flow on Water Temperatures in an Agriculturally Dominated California River. Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR032915.
Asarian, J.E., L. Cressey, B. Bennett, G. Johnson, L. Cyr, and J. Grunbaum. 2022. Salmon River water temperature. Pages IV-42–50 in Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA, 2022). Indicators of Climate Change in California, Fourth Edition, California Environmental Protection Agency, OEHHA.
Asarian, J.E. 2021. (Draft) Influence of Flow on Stream Temperatures in the South Fork Eel River Watershed. Prepared for Paradigm Environmental and State Water Resources Control Board by Riverbend Sciences, Eureka, CA. 77. + appendices.
Asarian, J.E., L. Cressey, B. Bennett, J. Grunbaum, L. Cyr, T. Soto, C. Robinson. 2020. Influence of Snowpack, Streamflow, Air Temperature, and Wildfire Smoke on Klamath Basin Stream Temperatures, 1995-2017. Prepared for the Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium by Riverbend Sciences with assistance from the Salmon River Restoration Council, Klamath National Forest, Six Rivers National Forest, Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources, and Quartz Valley Indian Reservation. 44p. + appendices.
Asarian, J.E., C. Robinson. 2020. Relationships Between Water Temperature, Air Temperature, and River Flows in the Scott River near Fort Jones, California. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences and Quartz Valley Indian Reservation for the Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium. 16 p. + appendices.
Asarian, J.E., L. Cressey, B. Bennett, J. Grunbaum, L. Cyr, T. Soto. 2019. Evidence of Climate-Driven Increases in Salmon River Water Temperatures. Prepared for the Salmon River Restoration Council by Riverbend Sciences with assistance from the Salmon River Restoration Council, Klamath National Forest, Six Rivers National Forest, and Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources. 53 p. + appendices.
Asarian, J.E. 2019. Analysis of Flow-Water Quality Relationships at Scott River Gage. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences for the Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium. 14p. + appendices.
Genzoli, L, J.E. Asarian and J. Kann. 2018. State of the Basin: Klamath River Water Quality 2017, Background and Methods to Accompany 2017 Klamath Water Quality Flyers. Prepared by for the Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium. 14 p. + appendices.
David, A.T., J.E. Asarian, and F.K. Lake. 2018. Wildfire Smoke Cools Summer River and Stream Water Temperatures. Water Resources Research 54:7273–7290. doi: 10.1029/2018WR022964.
Asarian, J.E. and P. Higgins. 2018. Eel River Cooperative Cyanotoxin Analysis Summary 2013-2017. Prepared for the Eel River Recovery Project.
Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium. 2018. Upper Klamath Basin Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment and Management Program Plan. 78p.
David, A.T., J.E. Asarian, and F.K. Lake. 2017. Can summer wildfire smoke reduce peak water temperatures in the Salmon River, potentially benefiting cold-water fishes? A preliminary analysis. Prepared for the Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium by Riverbend Sciences with assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Arcata Office and the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station. 27p.
Asarian, J.E. 2017. GIS Stream Temperature Modeling of Yurok Ancestral Territory. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences for the Yurok Tribe Environmental Program, Klamath, CA. 39 p. [electronic appendices]
Asarian, J.E. 2016. Stream Temperatures in the South Fork Trinity River Watershed 1989-2015. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences for The Watershed Research and Training Center, Hayfork, CA. 61p. + appendices.
Asarian, J.E., P. Higgins, P. Trichilo. 2016. Stream Temperatures in the Eel River Basin 1980-2015, Phase 1: Compilation and Preliminary Analysis. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences and the Eel River Recovery Project for State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA. 73p. + appendices
Asarian, J.E. and J. Walker. 2016. Long-Term Trends in Streamflow and Precipitation in Northwest California and Southwest Oregon, 1953-2012. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52: 241-261. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12381. [contact me at if you would like a copy of the full-text PDF].
Gillett, N.D., Y. Pan, J.E. Asarian, and J. Kann. 2016. Spatial and temporal variability of river periphyton below a hypereutrophic lake and a series of dams. Science of the Total Environment 541: 1382–1392. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.048 [contact me at if you would like a copy of the full-text PDF].
Genzoli, L., R.O. Hall, J.E. Asarian, and J. Kann. 2015. Variation and Environmental Association of Ecosystem Metabolism in the Lower Klamath River: 2007-2014. Prepared by the University of Wyoming, Riverbend Sciences, and Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences LLC. for the Klamath Tribal Water Quality Consortium. 44p. + appendices.
Asarian, J.E. 2015. Long-Term Streamflow and Precipitation Trends in the Eel River Basin. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences for Friends of the Eel River, Arcata, CA. 30p. + appendices.
Asarian, J.E., Y. Pan, N.D. Gillett, and J. Kann. 2015. Periphyton Assemblages and Associated Environmental Conditions in the Klamath River 2004-2013. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences, Portland State University, and Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences LLC. for the Klamath Basin Tribal Water Quality Work Group. 48p. + appendices.
Asarian, E. 2015. Assessment of altered hydrologic function, dams, and diversions within the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast evolutionarily significant unit of coho salmon, Version 2. Prepared for NOAA Fisheries, Arcata, CA. 73 p. + appendices.
Kann, J., J.E. Asarian, A. St. Amand. 2015. Initial Analysis of 1990-2013 Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Data for Upper Klamath Lake (Phase I). Prepared by Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences LLC. for the Klamath Tribes Natural Resources Department. 100p. + appendices.
Genzoli, L., C. Robinson, and J.E. Asarian. 2015. Patterns of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in the Scott River Watershed, 2007-2014. Prepared by Kier Associates and Quartz Valley Indian Reservation. Prepared for the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation, Fort Jones, CA. 47 p. + appendices
Asarian, J.E., Y. Pan, N.D. Gillett, and J. Kann. 2014. Spatial and Temporal Variation of Periphyton Assemblages in the Klamath River, 2004-2012. Prepared by Kier Associates, Portland State University, and Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences LLC. for the Klamath Basin Tribal Water Quality Work Group. 50p. + appendices.
Lanman CW, Lundquist K, Perryman H, Asarian JE, Dolman B, Lanman RB, and Pollock MP. 2013. The historical range of beaver (Castor canadensis) in coastal California and the San Francisco Bay Area: An updated review of the evidence. California Fish and Game Journal 99(4): 193-221.
Asarian, E. and J. Kann. 2013. Synthesis of Continuous Water Quality Data for the Lower and Middle Klamath River, 2001-2011. Prepared by Kier Associates and Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences for the Klamath Basin Tribal Water Quality Work Group. 50p. + appendices.
Hoopa Tribal Environmental Protection Agency. 2013. Water Quality Monitoring by the Hoopa Tribal Environmental Protection Agency 2008–2012. Prepared by the Hoopa Tribal Environmental Protection Agency in cooperation with Kier Associates. 21p.
Stillwater Sciences, Jones & Trimiew Design, Atkins, Tetra Tech, Riverbend Sciences, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences, and NSI/Biohabitats. 2013. Water Quality Improvement Techniques for the Upper Klamath Basin: A Technical Workshop and Project Conceptual Designs. Prepared for California State Coastal Conservancy, Oakland, California.
Stillwater Sciences, Riverbend Sciences, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences, Atkins, Tetra Tech, NSI/Biohabitats, and Jones & Trimiew Design. 2012. Klamath River pollutant reduction workshop—information packet. Revised. Prepared for California State Coastal Conservancy, Oakland, California.
Asarian, E. and J. Kann. 2011. Phytoplankton and Nutrient Dynamics in Iron Gate and Copco Reservoirs 2005-2010. Prepared by Kier Associates and Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences for the Klamath Basin Tribal Water Quality Work Group. 60p + appendices.
Stanford, J., W. Duffy, E. Asarian, B. Cluer, P. Detrich, L. Eberle, S. Edmondson, S. Foott, M. Hampton, J. Kann, K. Malone, and P. Moyle. 2011. Conceptual Model for Restoration of the Klamath River. Pages 151-184 in Thorsteinson, Lyman, VanderKooi, Scott, and Duffy, Walter, eds: 2011. Proceedings of the Klamath Basin Science Conference. Medford, Oregon, February 1–5, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1196, 312 p.
Asarian, E., J. Kann, and W. Walker. 2010. Klamath River Nutrient Loading and Retention Dynamics in Free-Flowing Reaches, 2005-2008. Final Technical Report to the Yurok Tribe Environmental Program, Klamath, CA. 59pp + appendices.
Asarian, E., J. Kann, and W. Walker. 2009. Multi-year Nutrient Budget Dynamics for Iron Gate and Copco Reservoirs, California. Prepared by Riverbend Sciences, Kier Associates, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences, and William Walker for the Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources, Orleans, CA. 55pp + appendices.
Asarian, E., and J. Kann. 2008. Study Plans Regarding the Effects of Dam Removal on Nutrient-Related Aspects of Water Quality in the Klamath River. Prepared for the Decommissioning Investigations Group (DIG) and American Rivers, Nevada City, California. 12pp + attachments.
Kier Associates and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). 2008. Updated Guide to Reference Values used in the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coho Salmon Recovery Conservation Action Planning (CAP) Workbook. Kier Associates, Blue Lake, CA and National Marine Fisheries Service, Arcata, CA. 31 pp.
Kann, J and E. Asarian. 2007. Nutrient Budgets and Phytoplankton Trends in Iron Gate and Copco Reservoirs, California, May 2005 - May 2006. Final Technical Report to the State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, California. 81pp + appendices.
Asarian, E. and J. Kann. 2006. Klamath River Nitrogen Loading and Retention Dynamics, 1996-2004. Kier Associates Final Technical Report to the Yurok Tribe Environmental Program, Klamath, California. 56pp + appendices.
Asarian, E. and J. Kann. 2006. Technical Memorandum: Evaluation of PacifiCorp’s Klamath River Water Quality Model Predictions for Selected Water Quality Parameters. Prepared by Kier Associates and Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences for the Yurok Tribe Environmental Program, Klamath, California. 32 pp.
Kann, J and E. Asarian. 2006. Technical Memorandum: Longitudinal Analysis of Klamath River Phytoplankton Data 2001-2004. Prepared by Kier Associates and Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences for the Yurok Tribe Environmental Program, Klamath, California. 36 pp.
Kier Associates. 2006. Nutrient Criteria for the Klamath River on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation. Prepared for the Hoopa Tribal EPA, Hoopa, CA. 82 pp.
Kann, J., and E. Asarian. 2005. 2002 Nutrient and Hydrologic Loading to Iron Gate and Copco Reservoirs, California. Kier Associates Final Technical Report to the Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources, Orleans, California. 59pp + appendices.
Peterson, G.D., B. Lydgate, E. Asarian, and T. Bolton. 2003. Final Report: Mattole Basin Channel Monitoring, 2002-2003, Baseline Channel Monitoring in 14 Tributary Reaches Associated with Sediment-Reduction Treatments. Prepared by the Mattole Salmon Group, Streamfellows, and Institute for Fisheries Resources under subcontract to the Mattole Restoration Council in fulfillment of State Water Resources Control Board Agreement Nos. 01-102-251-0 (Task 6.2) and 01-151-251-0 (Task 8.2). Mattole Salmon Group, Petrolia, CA.